Thursday, December 2, 2010

FriendsSs...Lover...U mean a lots to me❤..

Since last time when I'm small..
Till I'm study high school..
I never have much more of friends..
Untill I was study From 5 & 6..
That I only knew who is the best friends..
After finish my study..
I went out to work..
I only met my superviser_Ling Ling..
I learn a lot from her..
(She also like to bully me)..Haha
I❤ My Friends actually..
But I never Said it out><...
I very less of friends actually..
Maybe I'm not friendly & enthusiasm enough..
So some ppl will dislike of me..
But this is my personality..
Three of them is since high shcool and now still be together..
Got Bii actually..
But maybe she change a lots..
We can't accept it..
That funny to let me thinking about something..
I fight with Pei...
Because of I didn't take picture with her 1st..
And about a Nasi Lemah...
I fight with Ron..
Because of she a bit Mental Disorder...
Haha...(She will kill me when she saw this..)
I never fight with Susan & Xin..
Maybe nothing have to fight..
That lots of memory there..
I mizz so much..!!

After I be with Babe..
I knew Hany & suki..
But I most like to call them Jing Hui & Yu Xin..
So hapi to know them..
That destiny❤..
As I knew is......
Ron: Friendly..Mental Discorder..Piano..Have preety white skin Just like snow white..
Pei: Careless..Ben Ben de..Kindness..
Susan: Friendly..Enthusiasm..Noisy..Gastric..Short..
Xin: Funny..ET..Friendly..Lucky Girl..Confidence..skiny..
Jing Hui: Duck Mammy..Blue colour..Very little wan..Kindness..Violence sometime (Just only treat Zy like that ) Haha..
Yu Xin: Friendly..Like our sister..Cordial..Optimistic..
I'm not perfect enough..
Thanks for being my friends..
I will always appreciate our friendship forever & ever..
So hapi to met u all..


There are 6,800,000,000 people on the earth & I only met u..
only love u..only mizz u..only saw u..only want u..
No need too many wold..
I ❤ U
Thats enough..
Its proof everythinhgs...
No one ❤ me like this..
But U..
Chan Rak Ter Jak..
Kitten mak mak..
Jub Jub..


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